
Grant provides STEAM learning opportunities to Cass County Public Library Patrons

A recent success in grant funding provides an amazing opportunity to Cass County Public Library (CCPL) patrons.  The Library is happy to announce it was selected to receive the LSTA STEM Kits Grant from the Missouri State Library. CCPL used the funds to purchase 16 STEAM learning kits.

“People learn in a variety of ways,” says Dan Brower, Library Director, “and these kits will give families and individuals the opportunity to explore STEAM concepts with more than just books. We’re happy to provide another great learning opportunity like this to our younger Cass County residents.”

This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the  provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State

Each STEAM to Go kit contains resources geared for preschool to upper elementary youth and offers opportunities for hands-on learning experiences to increase engagement with concepts. The kits cover a range of topics, from food and nutrition to geology to economics. Kits contain books, flashcards, hands-on learning toys, and much more. Cass County Public Library hopes to increase learning opportunities for all ages through incorporating circulation of kits. The library is seeking input on the kits from users. If these kits are successful, the library will expand the program and the scope of the learning kits.

Due to the unique nature of the grant, kits are only available to Cass County cardholders. Each patron is allowed to check out one kit at a time for 1 week. Kits may not be renewed at this time. There is no automatic renewal. The kits should be returned inside the branch and not placed in library drop boxes. All 16 kits are now available for check-out and holds. View all 16 kits on Cass County Public Library’s website at cass.missourievergreen.org and search “STEAM to Go”.